A Clean and Green Welcome to you.

Greetings to you all kindred spirits - wishing to seek all the green clean but mean energy sources or systems out there.

There is indeed a gamut of ideas - waiting to be tapped.

Like my other blogs - I don't have advertising posted on them. I don't intend to make money out of these ads and I am also not selling anything here either.

It is my vow to spread information and create an atmosphere or community of well informed individuals to anywhere my blog can reach.

If you are in anyway helped in what you are seeking by this blog. Please consider writing me an email - a simple thank you note will do.

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Please take time also to vote in my "Help Save the Planet Movement" Blog site at http://savetheplanetmovement.blogspot.com

We walk this earth only once, we need to leave it not in vain.

We have a responsibility to humanity as well as our environment. It is our inherent duty to take care of it. Be informed and take the matters into your own hands.

Help save the planet.

Mr. E


Free Energy Demonstration - Suppressed???

free energy Steven Mark solid state generator video 2 38:28 - 3 years ago Amazing video footage of Steven Mark's solid state free energy generator. This is video 2 out of 5. Really amazing technology a definite must see. Also see overunity.com for more information on this device

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

The Answer to all our energy "problems": Cold Fusion

Cold Fusion, although virtually ignored by mainstream academic research, has continued underground through the efforts of brave and dedicated scientists. I am now pleased to bring you the technological and theoretical breakthrough we've all been waiting for... Clean, virtually inexhaustible energy in the form of sea water! Let the Cold Fusion Revolution begin!

1 Teaspoon of Heavy Water has the energy content of 300 Gallons of Gasoline. You could go 55 million miles on a gallon. There is enough deuterium fusion fuel in the top 1 foot of seawater in the San Francisco Bay to supply all of mankind's projected energy needs for the next 50-100 years... And you wonder why the Federal Reserve Corporation has been suppressing it... Since their petro-dollars and their power is backed by Oil.

Cold Fusion NOW!


US NAVY Report on Cold Fusion:


Wired Science article on US Navy Cold Fusion:


Some important information about Steven E. Jones' involvement in cold fusion research (Very helpful Information):


The Obama Speech can be found here:


Cold Fusion Links:










"Znidarsic's Constant" 1,094,000 m/s - is the key to Cold Fusion and has many other practical applications of atomic resonance effects for control over the natural forces.

The Theory and work of Frank Znidarsic:

1) The duality of Matter and Waves:


2) Reconciling Special Relativity and Quantum Mechanics:


3) Control of the Natural Forces


Znidarsic's Constant on Wolfram Alpha: http://www.wolframalpha.com/input/?i=...

Frank Znidarsic's Website with all the info:


Chapter 7 on Frank's website details some important steps such as deriving the Schrodinger Equation from Znidarsic's Constant. It also shows exactly what gravity is, and where it comes from.


Important stuff to know about magnetic fields:




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