A Clean and Green Welcome to you.
Greetings to you all kindred spirits - wishing to seek all the green clean but mean energy sources or systems out there.
There is indeed a gamut of ideas - waiting to be tapped.
Like my other blogs - I don't have advertising posted on them. I don't intend to make money out of these ads and I am also not selling anything here either.
It is my vow to spread information and create an atmosphere or community of well informed individuals to anywhere my blog can reach.
If you are in anyway helped in what you are seeking by this blog. Please consider writing me an email - a simple thank you note will do.
If you have the time - my other blogs are just a few clicks away.
Please take time also to vote in my "Help Save the Planet Movement" Blog site at http://savetheplanetmovement.blogspot.com
We walk this earth only once, we need to leave it not in vain.
We have a responsibility to humanity as well as our environment. It is our inherent duty to take care of it. Be informed and take the matters into your own hands.
Help save the planet.
Mr. E